After some time with 1.0.0.rc1
I am releasing a final 1.0.0
of InvoicePrinter. So what it is it, what does it mean and what’s next?
InvoicePrinter started as a spin off of my old bachelor thesis where I took some ugly Prawn code from a Rails view and turned it into a standalone and well tested Ruby library. I made an unobstructive and direct way of making PDF invoices from Ruby. No validations, no rules – just your data as a nicely crafted PDF in seconds. Generating PDF invoices from Ruby was never easier.
Here are my previous blog posts about InvoicePrinter:
- Testing: Testing PDF generation in Ruby
- Announcement: InvoicePrinter: generate PDF invoices and receipts in seconds with pure Ruby
- Philosophy: Comparing wkhtmltopdf to Prawn for generating PDF in terms of speed, memory and usability
- Internalization: Building international invoices with InvoicePrinter 0.0.9
Basically I am filling a void between learning a low level PDF library and creating cumbersome PDFs from HTML with years old browser engine. It is still young, but I believe it can already help many projects and developers so I am publicly announcing that the API for 1.x versions is stable with this 1.0 release.
What will be next you ask? There is something cool being baked in still for the 1.x branch so stay tuned. I also encourage you to submit issues with your requests! API shortcomings and breaking changes will however have to wait for version 2.
Big thank you to the incredible Prawn project that made all of this possible. And big thanks to first two contributors Chris Larsen and Gabriel Balbuena that helped me on this route already so soon in the beginning. Thanks guys!
P.S. Don’t forget to check the project on GitHub.
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