Notes to self

Notes to self.


Auto-saving Rails forms with Turbo Streams

Here’s how to implement autosaving for inline input fields the Hotwire way.

Business Class 2.0 with Rails 8, Pay 8, Solid, Kamal 2, and fancy generator

The Ruby on Rails template Business Class gets a whole new edition. Rails 8, new licencing, and improved CRUD generator.

Extending Rails authentication generator with registration flow

Rails 8 comes with a built-in authentication generator. However, it doesn’t yet come with registrations. Here’s how to add them.

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon after switching to OrbStack

Switching from Docker Desktop to OrbStack and stuck at Docker daemon error? Here’s how to fix it

How to use a remote build server with Kamal

How and when to create an external build server for your Kamal deploys?

by Josef Strzibny