Notes to self


Subclassing STI models in Rails

Here’s a short tip on opting out a specific model from Single Table Inheritance (STI).

Understanding Kamal proxy roles

Kamal’s configuration comes with one primary proxy role to accept HTTP traffic. Here’s how to think about proxy roles and how to configure others.

A closer look at Rails force_ssl and assume_ssl

Rails comes with a built-in support for SSL in form of config.force_ssl. But what does it exactly do?

Deploying a Next.js application with Kamal 2

Here’s the simplest example to deploy a containerized Next application with Kamal.

Running multiple apps on a single server with Kamal 2

Kamal 2 finally brings the most requested feature to reality and allows people to run multiple applications simultaneously on a single server. Here’s how.

by Josef Strzibny