Notes to self


Reusing Rails test fixtures for db:seed

There are several reasons I like Rails’ fixtures for testing. One such reason is that modeling a small world gives you instant data for seeding your database.

Configuring Rails system tests for headless and headfull browsers

Want to run your system tests headless? And why not both ways? Here’s how to extend Rails tasks to run your system tests with the driver of your choice.

Maintainable Rails system tests with page objects

Rails system tests often depend on input and CSS selectors. To make our tests more maintainable, we can isolate layout changes within page objects.

Single attribute in-place editing with Rails and Turbo

Turbo can largely simplify our front-end needs to achieve a single-page application feel. If you have ever wondered how to do a single attribute in-place update with Turbo, this post is for you.

Freezing your Node.js dependencies with yarn.lock and --frozen-lockfile

When Yarn introduced a lock file (similar to Gemfile.lock), it did it with an unexpected twist. If you need reproducible builds, yarn.lock is not enough.