Notes to self

Building and consuming JSON API with Crystal

When I firstly heard about Crystal language, I got really exited. It fixes exactly four problems I sometimes have with Ruby; types, speed, memory consumption and compilation to machine code. After many months silently following its development I decided to try it out for a simple program I need — a simple server standing between Google Maps API and my application to catch the geocoding responses in local Redis instance not to hit the limit imposed on using the service (plus, Google suggests you to do it anyway).

Before we start with the code let’s look at the requirements. We need to query Google Maps API for geocoding of addresses. That means parsing JSON. We also need to save the latitude and longitude for the objects in question in local Redis instance. That means connecting to and using Redis from Crystal. And finally we need to expose this as a local service, so we need to run our program as a server waiting for our geocoding requests.

For this problems I decided to go with HTTP::Client and JSON libraries included in Crystal, together with crystal-redis client and Kemal for the server bits. I chose all of that after few minutes of googling, so make no conclusions out of it.

Let’s call our program geoserver. This is how the shards.yml would look like:

$ cat shard.yml
name: geoserver
version: 0.1

    github: stefanwille/crystal-redis
    version: ~> 1.5.1
    github: sdogruyol/kemal

Shards can fetch and install the dependencies for us. To use the libraries in question, this would be the require calls at the top:

require "http/client"
require "kemal"
require "json"
require "redis"

Now we can slowly start implementing our program. The core of it all is to handle responses from Google Maps API, so let’s look at the success and error responses we have to deal with:

   "results" : [
         "address_components" : [
               "long_name" : "Opava",
               "short_name" : "Opava",
               "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "Opava District",
               "short_name" : "Opava District",
               "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "Moravian-Silesian Region",
               "short_name" : "Moravian-Silesian Region",
               "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "Czech Republic",
               "short_name" : "CZ",
               "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
         "formatted_address" : "Opava, Czech Republic",
         "geometry" : {
            "bounds" : {
               "northeast" : {
                  "lat" : 49.9939829,
                  "lng" : 17.9964488
               "southwest" : {
                  "lat" : 49.8477767,
                  "lng" : 17.7905329
            "location" : {
               "lat" : 49.9406598,
               "lng" : 17.8947989
            "location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",
            "viewport" : {
               "northeast" : {
                  "lat" : 49.9939829,
                  "lng" : 17.9964488
               "southwest" : {
                  "lat" : 49.8477767,
                  "lng" : 17.7905329
         "place_id" : "ChIJm8CGORPYE0cRvzf4rjv_0RQ",
         "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
   "status" : "OK"

And for the error response we might get the following:

   "error_message" : "You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. We recommend registering for a key at the Google Developers Console:",
   "results" : [],
   "status" : "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT"

Exceeding the quota can happen sooner than you think and that’s why we are building this! And if you are wondering what kind of place Opava is, that’s the city I was born in.

So let’s start with some Crystal!

module GoogleMapsApi
  class Location
      lat: Float64,
      lng: Float64,

  class Geometry
      location: Location

  class Result
      geometry: Geometry

  class SuccessResponse
      results: Array(Result)

  class ErrorResponse
      error_message: String

I am splitting every part of the responce in its own class so we can nicely work with the respective objects. At the top we are getting either SuccessResponse or ErrorResponse. As you can see we can use JSON.mapping to specify our objects mapping to JSON format. This is very convenient as we can now call methods to_json or from_json with all parts of the response.

To simplify everything we also don’t need to specify all JSON fields from the API. We are gonna implement the minimal representation that gets us what we need. If we want though we can list all the other fields here and even use JSON::Any type if we don’t need to map the values to anything concrete.

With what we have we can parse the response and the latitude and longitude of our address:

r = GoogleMapsApi::SuccessResponse.from_json("...copy the response here...")
r.results[0] # => 49.9407

This sounds promising. Let’s implement a client that can query the Google Maps API for us.

module GoogleMapsApi
  class Client
    class ServerError < Exception; end

    Host = ""

    def initialize
      @http_client =, ssl: true)

    def get(location : String)
      response = @http_client.get("/maps/api/geocode/json?address=#{location}")

    private def process_response(response : HTTP::Client::Response)
      case response.status_code
      when 200..299
        # For cases when "status" is one of the following:
        #   ZERO_RESULTS
        #   OK
        return SuccessResponse.from_json(response.body) \
          if ["OK", "ZERO_RESULTS"].includes?(Response.from_json(response.body).status)

        # For cases when "status" is one of the following:
        #   OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
        #   REQUEST_DENIED
      when 400
        raise"400: Server Not Found")
      when 500
        raise"500: Internal Server Error")
      when 502
        raise"502: Bad Gateway")
      when 503
        raise"503: Service Unavailable")
      when 504
        raise"504: Gateway Timeout")
        raise"Server returned error #{response.status_code}")

Our client can’t authenticate you, but will be sufficient if we are using only the limited number of requests without the API key.

The only two things to notice here (especially if you have some Ruby background) are types specifications in method signatures and the need to initialize instance variables in initialize method (as we do with @http_client).

Moving on the last piece of our example program is the server part. Here is a “1 minute Crystal & Redis course”:

puts "Connect to Redis"
redis =

puts "Delete foo"

puts "Set foo to \"bar\""
redis.set("foo", "bar")

puts "Get the value of foo:"

With our new Redis skills let’s implement our API in Kemal. This is the idea:

get "/:address" do |env|
  address = env.params.url["address"]
  # retrieve the address geolocation from Redis if available
  # otherwise query the address from Google Maps API and save to Redis
  # return the location as JSON object

Kemal will now automatically start the server and will listen for our requests in the format of /address-we-want-to-geocode.

The last thing is to put all the pieces together:

get "/:address" do |env|
  address = env.params.url["address"]
  env.response.content_type = "application/json"
  location = redis.get(address)

  if location
    response = { location: location }
      record =
      if match = record.results[0]
        location = match.geometry.location
        location = GoogleMapsApi::Location.from_json(%({"lat": 0.0, "lng": 0.0}))
      redis.set(address, location.to_json)
      response = { location: location }
    rescue ex : GoogleMapsApi::Client::ServerError
      response = { error: ex.message }


Again one thing to notice here is the different syntax for handling exceptions. Apart from that the whole experience felt very much like Ruby and that’s what I personally love about Crystal. It has the features of so much praised Golang with Ruby-like syntax and I am exited about its future.

Work with me

I have some availability for contract work. I can be your fractional CTO, a Ruby on Rails engineer, or consultant. Write me at