Notes to self

Freezing your Node.js dependencies with yarn.lock and --frozen-lockfile

When Yarn introduced a lock file (similar to Gemfile.lock), it did it with an unexpected twist. If you need reproducible builds, yarn.lock is not enough.

What is a lock file? Lock files ensure that the defined dependencies from files such as package.json get pinned to specific versions. This later ensures parity on developers’ workstations, CI, and production.

Many people probably depend on Yarn doing the right thing and installing only the pinned versions from yarn.lock on yarn install. But, unfortunately, this is not the case…

The default behavior of yarn install is that the yarn.lock file gets updated if there is any mismatch between package.json and yarn.lock. Weird, right?

(In comparison, other package managers such as RubyGems would only ever look at lock files and install the pinned versions from there.)

Luckily a solution exists. The documentation for the Classic Yarn (1.x) says:

If you need reproducible dependencies, which is usually the case with the continuous integration systems, you should pass –frozen-lockfile flag.

So your yarn install command for CI and production should look like this:

$ yarn install --silent --production=true --frozen-lockfile

There is a long-standing issue for making this a default, but the developers decided to leave it for a new Yarn version which is developed under the name Berry.

Some also say that you don’t need it as you can use pinned versions directly in package.json. This only true to some extend, though, because you would have to specify all transitive dependencies as well.

If you still run without the --frozen-lockfile flag, fix it today. It will save you some headaches later.

Also note, that the --frozen-lockfile flag is changed to --immutable in modern versions of Yarn and it’s a default for CI mode.

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Deployment from Scratch is unique Linux book about web application deployment. Learn how deployment works from the first principles rather than YAML files of a specific tool.
by Josef Strzibny