Notes to self

Running interactive sessions with Kamal

How to connect to a container on a server managed by Kamal and run an interactive session?

Interactive server actions

Kamal comes with a kamal server exec to execute a single command on the server. If we pass the -i option, we’ll start the interactive session that doesn’t cancel the connection immediatelly.

Similarly, Docker comes with docker exec command with the -it options to run a container process interactively.

If we combine both of these we’ll get what we need. A single command to run something interactively out of a single container:

$ kamal server exec -i "docker exec -it [CONTAINER] [COMMAND]"


Here’s an example with kamal-proxy:

$ kamal server exec -i "docker exec -it kamal-proxy bash"

After running the comment we’ll be dropped into the container running Kamal Proxy.

Then we can play with the proxy without running long commands:

$ kamal-proxy stop app-web --message=""
$ kamal-proxy resume app-web
Check out my book
Learn how to use Kamal to deploy your web applications with Kamal Handbook. Visualize Kamal's concepts, understand Kamal's configuration, and deploy practical life examples.
by Josef Strzibny