Notes to self

Reading Kamal configuration

If you configured your config/deploy.yml file for Kamal, you might thought about working with this very configuration outside Kamal. Here’s how.

TIP: Checkout Kamal Handbook, my new book on Kamal.

Kamal config

Reading Kamal’s configuration from Ruby is pretty straight-forward. We just initialize Kamal::Configuration object from a passed config file:

config_file ="config/deploy.yml"))
config = Kamal::Configuration.create_from(config_file: config_file)

puts config.inspect

Now we can access the whole YAML configuration as Kamal sees it:

> config.image
=> "strzibnyj/template"
> config.service
=> "template"


Registry is a Hash of username and password as you would expect:

> config.registry
=> {"username"=>"strzibnyj", "password"=>["KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD"]}


The SSH configuration can be accessed at config.ssh. Here’s how to read the SSH user:

> config.ssh
=> #<Kamal::Configuration::Ssh:0x0000000107688f28 @config={"user"=>"app"}>
> config.ssh.user
=> "app"


Traefik configuration is under config.traefik and is just a Hash:

> config.traefik
{"options"=>{"publish"=>["443:443"], "volume"=>["/letsencrypt/acme.json:/letsencrypt/acme.json"], "network"=>"private"},

Servers and roles

Same for servers:

> config.servers.first

To get IP addresses for out web and job roles we can do:

> config.servers["web"]["hosts"]
=> [""]

We can also work with servers as roles:

> config.roles.first
      @config=#<Kamal::Configuration:0x0000000107db34d8 ...>,


The list of environments are under config.env:

> config.env


You can access accessories under config.accessories. You’ll get an array of the Kamal::Configuration::Accessor objects. Here’s an example:

> accessory = config.accessories.first
=> "postgres"
> config.accessories.first.specifics
 "env"=>{"clear"=>{"POSTGRES_USER"=>"template", "POSTGRES_DB"=>"template_production"}, "secret"=>["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"]},


Perhaps surprisingly, volumes are different. There is no config.volumes. Instead, we can ask for the volume arguments:

> config.volume_args
=> ["--volume", "/storage:/rails/storage"]

Hope that helped!

by Josef Strzibny