Notes to self


Download RPM packages locally with DNF

Sometimes, you only want to download RPM packages without installing them. This is now super easy with DNF.

DRY enums for Absinth macros

Absinth is a great GraphQL library for Elixir, but it brings a few challenges as it’s practically implemented using macros. One of these challenges is a DRY way of reusing enumerables in Absinth enums before v1.6.0.

Tailwind does not support pseudo-elements

This week I came across another tricky part of Tailwind, pseudo-elements. But what if you want to use them?

systemd user services and systemctl --user

Most users are familiar with the system-wide systemd services managed by the systemctl command. But systemd services can be made for and entirely controlled by regular unprivileged users.

Solving vagrant up's name of domain about to create is already taken

Creating and destroying virtual machines in Vagrant left and right might get us in trouble. If we reuse the domain name, Vagrant will fail to create it again. Here is how to use virsh if Vagrant won’t help anymore.

by Josef Strzibny