Notes to self


Choosing Elixir version manager

Exenv, Kiex or ASDF? What’s the difference?

What are default and bundled gems in Ruby anyway?

9 years ago started gemification of the Ruby standard library. What exactly are default and bundled gems in Ruby releases?

Understanding Elixir mocking with Mox

This post is clearing up confusions around mocking in Elixir. If you were ever confused about mocks and stubs in Elixir, I made it 100% clear for you.

Transactional email providers for indie businesses

Most businesses need to send an email from time to time. Marketing platforms aside, what if you want to send it on your terms? Here’s a table comparing the common choices for starting businesses and indie makers.

Inserting content in the middle of a Jekyll post

Do you wish to insert content (such as advertisement or a link) right in the middle of the Jekyll page? We can do that by using the content as an array and a forloop. Here is how.

by Josef Strzibny