Notes to self


Solving QEMU bridge helper "no such device" for virbr0

If you are running Vagrant on Fedora 32 or tried to spin up a virtual machine in another way, you might have encountered an annoying complaint about qemu-bridge-helper utility not finding virbr0.

Elixir macros return AST

Macros are a powerfull part of the Elixir language and projects such as Absinth would not even be possible without them. To start writing your macros in Elixir one has to understand one simple thing. Macro functions have to return a partial abstract syntax tree.

Soft dependencies in Elixir projects

How to support soft dependencies in Elixir libraries to provide optional features without any dependency baggage?

Learning negotiation: Never Split the Difference

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It is a book by a former international hostage negotiator for the FBI Chris Voss. What can learn from it in relation to software engineering and startups?

Testing Netlify server-side analytics

I used server-side analytics for quite some time on this blog. With my recent blog migration I picked up on client-side analytics. I am now test driving Netlify server-side analytics alongside the client-side Fathom Analytics. This is what I have found.

by Josef Strzibny