Notes to self


Testing Phoenix custom error pages

A short post on using assert_error_sent to test custom error responses on status code, response headers, and body. And when it doesn’t work.

Automating tasks and improving developer workflow with pre-commit git hooks

Probably the most usual git workflow is adding changes to the staging area, committing them, and pushing them to the remote repository. Depending on the project we are working on there are some things that we should be checking, validating or generating before heading for the commit. That’s where pre-commit hooks come in.

Phoenix CSRF protection in HTML forms, React forms, and APIs

Let’s see how Phoenix implements CSRF for standard HTML multipart forms and how to use CSRF tokens outside these forms in React forms or API calls.

Basic HTTP authentication in Elixir/Phoenix

Let’s look on what HTTP Basic authentication is and how to implement and test the HTTP Basic authentication in a Phoenix web application.

Rails handles large number of nested routes better than Sinatra

Jeremy Evans (of Roda and Sequel fame) created an interesting benchmark comparing memory and runtime performance of large number of routes (up to 10000) in various Ruby web frameworks. I was immediately interested and ran it to get the numbers.

by Josef Strzibny