Using Elixir Language Server in Sublime Text 3
Elixir LS can bring us some IDE features to our editor of choice thanks to the Language Server Protocol (LSP). If you are like me, you prefer the speed and simplicity of Sublime Text. Let’s see how to compile Elixir Language Server and how to use it within Sublime Text 3 editor via LSP plugin on Fedora.
Ruby 2.7 pattern matching after 10 months of professional Elixir
As it’s a tradition, we got a new Ruby version on Christmas. This time we are getting pattern matching, a feature highly praised in other languages. After spending some time with Elixir last year I was curious how does Ruby’s pattern matching feel in the Ruby world and indeed how does it compare to Elixir’s?
GraphQL subscriptions with Elixir and Absinthe
Here are some notes on WebSockets-based Absinthe GraphQL subscriptions. A basic setup and familiarity with regular queries and mutations is assumed.
Making a Ruby executable with ruby-packer
You can make a single executable from your gem or even a Rails application. I just tried ruby-packer and it works as promised.
InvoicePrinter 2.0
InvoicePrinter is intentionally small and straight-forward library, command line client, and server to make PDF invoices in no time. Version 2.0 includes buyer/seller boxes simplification, decoupling server from the library, offering sample TTY fonts as an add-on and official Docker support.