Notes to self


Summer and winter time changes with DateTime

Developers usually think of timezones, but European summertime changes can be easily overlooked. I have to admit I overlooked them when parsing dates with DateTime.from_naive!/2.

Preloading Rails applications in production

When it’s time to take your application online, there are several decisions to make. Today I would like to talk about application preloading and explain why I prefer preloading applications in production.

You can in fact use schemas in migrations

I saw well-intended recommendations not to use schemas in migrations lately. Although the advice of switching to raw SQL is a good one, we don’t have to give up on schemas entirely.

Organizing business logic in Rails with contexts

Rails programmers have almost always tried to figure out the golden approach to business logic in their applications. From getting better at object-oriented design, to service objects, all the way to entirely new ideas like Trailblazer or leaving Active Record altogether. Here’s one more design approach that’s clean yet railsy.

Cross-compiling Elixir releases with ASDF and Docker

Elixir releases are self-contained directories containing your applications together with all dependencies and the Erlang virtual machine. Although convenient, there are unfortunately not platform-independent. Here’s how to build your application release for any Elixir version and operating system with ASDF and Docker.

by Josef Strzibny