Notes to self


Writing Absinthe authorization middleware

Plug is not the only interface with the middleware layer. Absinthe also comes with a middleware layer of its own and we can use it similarly to implement authorization for queries, mutations, and subscriptions.

Elixir authorization plugs

Similar to Ruby’s Rack, Plug is a general specification for composing modules between web applications and application servers. Here’s how we can use them to build authorized pipelines in your router.

How I earn over $750 a month from my unfinished book

I started to sell the pre-release version of my book in April. Here are the numbers 3 months later.

InvoicePrinter 2.2 with breakdowns of items

A while ago, I released a new version of InvoicePrinter, my little library for generating PDF invoices. Here’s what’s new.

CentOS 8 free alternatives

CentOS 8 EOL is around the corner, so it’s time to evaluate and try the alternatives. I prepared a small table for everybody with the basic overview.

by Josef Strzibny