Migrating CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream 8
The CentOS Project announced today an end to a classic CentOS Linux as you know it, ending an era of CentOS as a RHEL rebuild. CentOS 8 will continue as a Stream version that you should upgrade to before the end of 2021. Here’s how.
5 Phoenix open source projects to study
Phoenix is a mostly well-documented and easy-to-follow web framework. But if you never worked on an Elixir app before, you might need a little guidance in structuring your first application and see some Phoenix patterns in the wild. Here are 5 open source projects on GitHub to study.
Choosing Elixir version manager
Exenv, Kiex or ASDF? What’s the difference?
What are default and bundled gems in Ruby anyway?
9 years ago started gemification of the Ruby standard library. What exactly are default and bundled gems in Ruby releases?
Understanding Elixir mocking with Mox
This post is clearing up confusions around mocking in Elixir. If you were ever confused about mocks and stubs in Elixir, I made it 100% clear for you.