systemd user services and systemctl --user
Most users are familiar with the system-wide systemd services managed by the systemctl command. But systemd services can be made for and entirely controlled by regular unprivileged users.
Solving vagrant up's name of domain about to create is already taken
Creating and destroying virtual machines in Vagrant left and right might get us in trouble. If we reuse the domain name, Vagrant will fail to create it again. Here is how to use virsh if Vagrant won’t help anymore.
Running PhantomJS in Vagrant
Some time ago I came across a weird error when trying to run RSpec test suite involving PhantomJS in Vagrant. Here’s the solution.
Working with decimals in Elixir
Integers are not enough, and floats are flawed? Decimals to the rescue! A short guide of what’s important when working with decimals in Elixir.
Prune everything with a complete Docker cleanup
Docker is a convenient tool for many, but with a few bigger images, the root filesystem becomes sooner or later full. Here is how to quickly and efficiently prune everything regarding Docker on your system to start fresh.