Notes to self


How to solve DNS resolution in Fedora 32 Docker containers

After little trouble with running Docker in Fedora 31 I found myself yet again in a similar situation. This time the DNS inside Docker containers could not resolve hostname.

Phoenix 1.5 LiveDashboard's Request Logger

Phoenix 1.5-rc.0 is out and so I fired up a new app to see what’s LiveDashboard is all about. Something that stood up for me is the Request Logger.

8 + 1 things to get you started with the Elixir's interactive shell (IEx)

Are you coming to Elixir from another language with an interactive shell? There are a few specific things about Elixir’s interactive shell (IEx) to keep an eye on and make ourselves more efficient. Here they are.

How to test static sites with RSpec, Capybara, and Webkit

Automated tests are not only good for dynamic code. You can (and probably should) test your static web sites as well. Here is an example of me testing the Fedora Developer website using Ruby, RSpec and Capybara.

Running Docker in Fedora 31

Fedora is a forward-thinking distribution and with the progress happening to Podman Fedora 31 switched to CGroupsV2.

by Josef Strzibny