Notes to self


Allowing NGINX to use a Puma/Unicorn UNIX socket with SELinux

If you are deploying Ruby web application on Fedora with Puma (or other) application server and NGINX web server as a proxy, you might encounter SELinux forbidding NGINX to use the Puma socket. Here is how to create a SELinux policy module that you can use during your server provisioning.

Setting up git push code deploy to remote server

If you are setting up your own remote server/VPS you will probably like to make it easy to deploy your code with simple git push. In other words you want to setup something that providers such as Heroku or OpenShift let you do to deploy your code. Luckily, it’s very easy!

Fix can’t cast RGeo::Geographic::SphericalPointImpl to point

If you are using Rails with activerecord-postgis-adapter 3.1.4 perhaps you got into a point where you were suddenly getting the following error:

What to do if Vagrant machine becomes unresponsive (KVM)

If you are using Vagrant with KVM (with vagrant-libvirt plugin) on Fedora, you might have experienced that sometimes the KVM virtual machine becomes unresponsive. Simply put you would wait forever for trying to ssh to the machine using vagrant ssh. It unfortunately happens to me sometimes when my laptop goes to sleep. So the simple answer is to avoid this and to always halt your Vagrant VMs when you finished working. Here is another thing to try out if you that happens and you don’t want to recreate the machine from scratch (vagrant destroy && vagrant up).

Resolving VirtualBox-based Vagrant boxes IP collisions

How to solve collisions of VirtualBox with virtual bridges on Fedora (e.g. when running Vagrant).

by Josef Strzibny