Notes to self


Gunicorn graceful restarts

How to configure the Gunicorn application server for graceful restarts, and what is the difference between regular, hot, and phased restarts?

Ruby for ebook publishing

A lot of times, people ask what’s Ruby good for apart from Rails. Ruby is great for various tasks from several different domains, and today, I would like to share how anybody can use Ruby in publishing ebooks.

Deployment from Scratch, 1st edition is released!

Today, I am releasing Deployment from Scratch, 1st edition. It was a long journey of more than three years, and it’s time to make it a reality. Of course, I could always do a one more read and rewrite a paragraph or two, but it’s just as important to stop at some point and let the world benefit from all that work.

Writing Absinthe authorization middleware

Plug is not the only interface with the middleware layer. Absinthe also comes with a middleware layer of its own and we can use it similarly to implement authorization for queries, mutations, and subscriptions.

Elixir authorization plugs

Similar to Ruby’s Rack, Plug is a general specification for composing modules between web applications and application servers. Here’s how we can use them to build authorized pipelines in your router.