Notes to self


Business Class 1.1 released with Paddle Billing, an improved CRUD generator, and new pricing

The Rails SaaS boilerplate Business Class goes 1.1. Here’s what’s new.

Overriding Rails engines models and controllers

If you’ve ever worked with a Rails engine, you might have come to a moment you needed to quickly override something. But do you know how to override the engine application files from within your Rails application?

Verifying Paddle Billing webhooks with Rails

Paddle recently made a major overhaul of its offering and API. If you need to validate the new Paddle Billing webhooks in Rails, here’s how to do it.

Running SASS and Tailwind side by side in Rails

What if you want to incrementally switch to Bulma? Or build a marketing site with Tailwind while keep using SASS for your main application? It’s not as hard as you think.

Business Class: A brand new Ruby on Rails SaaS template on the block

After almost a year and a half of work it’s finally here. Business Class goes 1.0.

by Josef Strzibny