Notes to self


Fixing an unresponsive gnome-software on Fedora

A short note on fixing an unresponsive GNOME Softwate application.

Cheaper Gumroad alternatives that handle European VAT for you

With the new Gumroad flat-rate fee, creators are starting to look for cheaper alternatives. Here are options that will handle EU VAT too.

Why I don't enjoy RSpec all that much

One of the reasons I prefer testing with Minitest is the dissatisfaction with my everyday RSpec work. Here are things I don’t like about typical RSpec test suites and how to fix them.

gem-compare's new contributors

gem-compare v1.2.0, new contributors, and 200+ GitHub starts.

Migrating Rails cookies to the new JSON serializer

How to move from Marshal to the new Rails 7 default JSON serializer.

by Josef Strzibny