Business Class 1.2 with Rails 7.1, Tailwind, and GoodJob
Business Class 1.2 is here just in time for Black Friday.
Deploying Rails on a single server with Kamal
Here’s one way of a cloud-independent deployment of Rails, Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, and Redis on single virtual server with Kamal.
Adding slugs to ActiveRecord models in Rails
Here’s how to implement a Sluggable module that turns an ActiveRecord model into one with a user-defined slug for nice page identifiers.
Marketing my book to 1000 sales
Here’s a simple list of what I was doing on my way to 1000 sales of my book and how much success I had with them.
Business Class 1.1 released with Paddle Billing, an improved CRUD generator, and new pricing
The Rails SaaS boilerplate Business Class goes 1.1. Here’s what’s new.