developer experience
- Phoenix 1.5 LiveDashboard's Request Logger
- Making a Ruby executable with ruby-packer
- Automating tasks and improving developer workflow with pre-commit git hooks
- Building auto login for fast Rails development with Sorcery
- Using private GitHub repositories with yarn and npm in package.json
- Do not run Rails with pending migrations
- Running wkhtmltopdf in Vagrant (without X server)
- On managing Ruby versions
- Allowing NGINX to use a Puma/Unicorn UNIX socket with SELinux
- Setting up git push code deploy to remote server
- What to do if Vagrant machine becomes unresponsive (KVM)
- Resolving VirtualBox-based Vagrant boxes IP collisions
- DNS for your Vagrant needs: with Landrush, libvirt and dnsmasq
- First update for Fedora Developer Portal
- Fedora/CentOS RPMs for Otto project, Packer and Vault
- Why Fedora needs a place for developers
- Writing a general multi-provider Vagrantfile
- Use your RHEL Vagrant boxes as any other with vagrant-registration
- Fast and painless NFS for your Vagrant environment
- Running Vagrant with Docker provider without password prompts on Fedora
- Vagrant assistant for your DevAssistant
- gem-compare: Releasing a new gem version with confidence
- Inception: running Vagrant inside Vagrant with KVM
- Creating default configuration for every Vagrant project
- Vagrant NFS exports on Fedora 21
- Quick setup of nested virtualization in KVM and virt-manager
- Getting Vagrant with libvirt support on Fedora 21
- libvirt Vagrant boxes with vagrant-mutate
- Getting Vagrant with libvirt support on your Fedora 20