- Setting up Cloudflare R2 buckets for Active Storage
- Adding button loader to Turbo-powered forms
- Auto-saving Rails forms with Turbo Streams
- Business Class 2.0 with Rails 8, Pay 8, Solid, Kamal 2, and fancy generator
- Extending Rails authentication generator with registration flow
- Test Driving Rails, 1st edition is released!
- Subclassing STI models in Rails
- A closer look at Rails force_ssl and assume_ssl
- Introduction to Minitest Mocks
- Business Class 1.7: On the way to Rails 8
- Running Thruster with Rails and Kamal
- Business Class 1.6 with direct uploads, antispam, default avatars, and Kamal CD
- Business Class 1.5 with single-server Kamal deployments
- Business Class 1.4 with SEO-optimized blogging
- Business Class 1.3 with support for Stripe and an improved CRUD generator
- Alternative BigInt ID identifiers for Rails
- Business Class 1.2 with Rails 7.1, Tailwind, and GoodJob
- Deploying Rails on a single server with Kamal
- Adding slugs to ActiveRecord models in Rails
- Business Class 1.1 released with Paddle Billing, an improved CRUD generator, and new pricing
- Overriding Rails engines models and controllers
- Verifying Paddle Billing webhooks with Rails
- Running SASS and Tailwind side by side in Rails
- Business Class: A brand new Ruby on Rails SaaS template on the block
- I am building a Ruby on Rails SaaS template
- What is ActiveRecord becomes from Rails
- Why I don't enjoy RSpec all that much
- Migrating Rails cookies to the new JSON serializer
- Understanding ViewComponent concepts by building a button
- A hybrid development Docker Compose setup for Rails
- How to avoid sleep in Rails system tests
- One year of sales
- Rails restricted paths validator for URL slugs
- Simplest alternative IDs with Rails
- Reusing Rails test fixtures for db:seed
- Configuring Rails system tests for headless and headfull browsers
- Maintainable Rails system tests with page objects
- Single attribute in-place editing with Rails and Turbo
- Preloading Rails applications in production
- Organizing business logic in Rails with contexts
- Deployment from Scratch, 1st edition is released!
- Moving ActionCable over to Webpacker
- Removing assets dependencies from Rails applications for runtime
- I am selling the pre-release of my book
- Puma graceful restarts
- Live previews with Rails and Stimulus 2
- Rails handles large number of nested routes better than Sinatra
- Displaying, downloading and streaming files with Active Storage
- Building auto login for fast Rails development with Sorcery
- Debugging silently failing compilation aka Webpacker can’t find application.js in public/packs/manifest.json
- I am writing an introductory book to web application deployment
- Firefox needs some more RAM to run your Rails system tests
- Conditional unique indexes in Rails and PostgreSQL
- Do not run Rails with pending migrations
- How to keep hash keys untouched by ActiveModel::Serializer
- InvoicePrinter 1.0
- Sending JSON API like 401 Unauthorized error with Devise
- Following Rails redirects with Capybara
- Specifying parameters encoding by action in Rails
- Creating staging and other environments in Rails
- InvoicePrinter: generate PDF invoices and receipts in seconds with pure Ruby
- Testing PDF generation in Ruby
- Fix can’t cast RGeo::Geographic::SphericalPointImpl to point